Krížová cesta ; Zastavenie krížov 

I thought that some of our readers might be interested in learning the Stations of the Cross in Slovak.  I attended Stations when I lived in communist Czechoslovakia in 1982-83, and it was not until the internet became widespread and during the Covid-19 lockdown that I found some websites which have the Stations in Slovak to follow.  Since then, while I still attend in person the Stations on Fridays at our parish church, St. Aloysius, I also recite the Stations at home on Friday evenings.

If you wish to do it gradually because you are learning Slovak, I suggest to try one Station at a time.  You may follow the words and the websites, but as in English, there are a variety of words used in Slovak language Stations of the Cross.  But each follow the same general format as written below.  My translations follow the Slovak, but they will not rhyme and display the sam excellence of Sister Maria Hroniec, SSCM, who regularly contributes singable English translations in our Jednota newspaper.

At the end of this article, you will find several websites with Slovak Stations to go to on the web.  You may also search on Youtube using key words such as: Krížová cesta, or  Zastavenie krížov.  The Slovak words pobožnosť or pobožnosti (plural) refer to devotion or devotions, such as the Stations of the Cross, litanies, etc.Our readers versed in Slovak may also listen to versions of the Stations of the Cross on Betánia, a Lenten program featuring the Devotions of the Stations and a spiritual reflection, hosted by Pavol Jurčaga.  The versions differ from what I have below, and they are more lengthy and more for a native Slovak speaker.  Listen to any of these selections organized by title and date from the archive during the Lenten season at Radio Lumen, the Slovak Catholic Radio channel at this website:

Betánia je pôstny program obsahujúci pobožnosť krížovej cesty a duchovné zamyslenie.  Pôstny program Betánia vám odporúčame počúvať vždy v piatok o 16:30 (Slovenská hodina).

As we try to draw nearer to the Lord during this Lenten season (pôst), may this translation help enhance your faith and your Slovak language at the same time.

Vstupná hymna – Entrance hymn

The Stations in Slovak may start with the following hymn, which is number 131 in the Jednotný katolícky spevník (JKS – Uniform Catholic Hymnal).  I own a hardback copy of the hymnal, which is also a prayer book (modlitebná knižka), which I also use when I attend any Mass.  (I always pray in Slovak so that I retain the language and learn more.) The prayer book includes hundreds of Slovak hymns, prayers, and devotions and is organized by the Church seasons.  I purchased my copy in Slovakia, but I could not find it in the USA.  You may purchase a copy directly from Slovakia by doing a web search with these key words: kúpiť Jednotný katolícky spevník (JKS).  On the web, you may find the hymn below at this site:

The following hymn may precede the devotions of the Stations of the Cross.

131.Ach, poďte, kresťania, — pozdraviť kríž svätý, — na ktorom je Kristus — bolestne rozpätý — (Ref) Kriste na kríži, — Kráľu najvyšší, — zmiluj sa nad nami — Pre päť svätých rán — milosť udeľ nám — a odpusť nám viny.

Oh, come, Christians, — hail the holy cross, — on which Christ — is painfully stretched out.
(Ref) Christ on the cross, — O King most high, — have mercy on us — May Your five holy wounds — grant us grace — and forgive our transgressions.

  1. Poď, poď a dívaj sa, — kresťanská ty duša — ako náš Spasiteľ — preťažky kríž znáša.
    (Ref) Kriste na kríži, — Kráľu najvyšší, — zmiluj sa nad nami — Pre päť svätých rán — milosť udeľ nám — a odpusť nám viny.
  2. Come, come and see, – you Christian soul – how our Savior – bears the burdens of the cross.
    (Ref) Christ on the cross, — O King most high, — have mercy on us — May Your five holy wounds — grant us grace — and forgive us our transgressions.

Listen at the websites: or

Modlitby na začiatku a na konci každej stanice – Prayers at the start and end of each Station

 As in English, the version used for the Stations of the Cross vary in Slovakia, as do the songs and description of the Passion of Christ.  But prayers precede each Station as in English, and each end with the following refrains.  St. Alphonsus de Liguori wrote the prayers as well as series of meditations to accompany devotions of the Stations of the Cross.

Each Station starts with the following refrain:

Klaniame sa ti Kriste a dobrorečíme ti.
Lebo si svojim svätým krížom vykúpil svet.

We adore you O Christ and we bless you.
Because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

In Slovak, each station ends with the following refrain:

Ukrižovaný Ježišu, zmiluj sa nad nami.  Aj nad dušami v očistci.
Crucified Jesus, have mercy on us.  And for the souls in purgatory.

Zastavenia – The Stations

Krížová cesta má tieto zastavenia. – The Way of the Cross consists of the following Stations.

  1. Pán Ježiš je odsúdený na smrť. – The Lord Jesus is sentenced to death.
  2. Pán Ježiš berie kríž na svoje plecia. –  The Lord Jesus carries the cross on His shoulders.
  3. Pán Ježiš padá prvý raz pod krížom –  The Lord Jesus falls for the first time under the cross
  4. Pán Ježiš sa stretá so svojou Matkou. –  The Lord Jesus meets His Mother.
  5. Šimon Cyrenejský pomáha Pánu Ježišovi niesť kríž. –  Simon of Cyrene helps the Lord Jesus carry the cross.
  6. Veronika podáva Pánu Ježišovi ručník. – Veronica wipes the face of the Lord Jesus.
  7. Pán Ježiš padá druhý raz pod krížom. –  The Lord Jesus falls under the cross a second time.
  8. Pán Ježiš napomína plačúce ženy. –  The Lord Jesus meets the weeping women.
  9. Pán Ježiš padá tretí raz pod krížom. –  The Lord Jesus falls under the cross a third time.
  10. Pánu Ježišovi zvliekajú šaty. –  The Lord Jesus is stripped of His clothing.
  11. Pána Ježiša pribíjajú na kríž. –  The Lord Jesus is nailed to the cross.
  12. Pán Ježiš na kríži zomiera. –  The Lord Jesus dies on the cross.
  13. Pána Ježiša skladajú z kríža. –  The Lord Jesus is taken down from the cross.
  14. Pána Ježiša pochovávajú. –  The Lord Jesus is laid in the tomb.

At the end of the Stations of the Cross, the congregation recites the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be (Otče náš, Zdravasʼ Mária, Sláva Otcu).  A closing blessing concludes the devotion.

Požehnanie – The Blessing

Priest (kňaz): Nech vás žehná všemohúci Boh, Otec i Syn i Duch Svätý.
People (ľudia): Amen.
May Almighty God bless you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen.
Priest (kňaz): Pochvalený buď Pán Ježiš Kristus! – Praise be the Lord Jesus Christ!
People (ľudia): Na veky. Amen. – Forever, Amen.

Dr. Michael Kopanic, Jr.



The Way of the Cross; Stations of the Cross