Februárové zamyslenie sa

S. Maria Theresa Hronec, SSCM

OSLAVUJME HVIEZDY JASNE–Cyrila a Metoda, tieto z hora svetlá krásne–slovenského národa
“Cyril a Metod”, obraz Jana Matejku, 1885


Vrúcne zaznej v národe
jediný všetkých hlas:
Ó, Svätý Cyril i Metod,
orodujte za nás.

Otcom našim Pána Krista
s prácou veľkou hlásali
aby sa tak dozaista
k sláve večnej dostali.

Ako verní pastierovia
pásli stáda Pánove
odrážali jak strážcovia
všetky klami diablove.

Ako sviece pravovzorné
svetlom pravdy svietili
srdce čisté a pokorné
k láske Božej vznietili.

Už koruna spravodlivá
v nebi krášli hlavu vám
vaša prosba starostlivá
vyžiadaj tu slávu nám.


February Reflection

The Feast of SS. Cyril and Methodius/St. Valentine’s Day—February 14th is such a special day and tribute for us to celebrate!
As missionaries, SS. Cyril and Methodius were devoted to spreading God’s love.  So it behooves us as Christians to live with this missionary spirit.

Cyril and Methodius, painting by Jan Matejko, 1885


Sing, celebrate!  These stars so bright,
Saints Cyril and Methodius,
Heavenly glowing lights so holy,
they inspire our sacred trust.


Fervently our prayers resound
as with one voice we say,
Saints Cyril and Methodius,
intercede for us we pray.

With ardent zeal you preached our Savior
to our Slavic ancestors,
So to ensure our faith’s firm hope
and growth to glor’ous destiny.

Pastoral Shepherds, help us follow
What God wills for us each day.
By your example keep us gentle,
Kind, compassionate, we pray.

As radiant light your lives burned out
for peace and truth in every way.\
Grant us this gift for drawing souls
to God’s own loving heart , we pray.

Celestial vision now your glory
where our hope eternal lies.
Fearlessly may we spread your message
and proclaim God’s Word survives.