Vianočné trhy v Prešove ponúkajú kultúrny program i občerstvenie

Kultúrny program i občerstvenie ponúkajú vianočné trhy, ktoré sa začali v piatok v Prešove. Organizuje ich Park kultúry a oddychu (PKO) spoločne s mestom Prešov a Oblastnou organizáciou cestovného ruchu Región Šariš. Potrvajú do 22. decembra a po Vianociach budú pokračovať od 26. decembra do 6. januára 2023. TASR o tom informovala manažérka kultúry PKO Patrícia Nagyová.

“Počas týchto dní je nielen pre Prešovčanov pripravený zaujímavý kultúrny program nabitý najmä vystúpeniami lokálnych umelcov, a tiež sprievodné atrakcie ako vyrezávaný drevený betlehem, alej vianočných stromčekov ozdobených žiakmi základných škôl, svetelné inštalácie v parku či voňavá gastro zóna obohatená živou folklórnou hudbou,” povedala Nagyová.

Ako ďalej uviedla, chýbať nebude ani vianočný stromček na námestí pri konkatedrále. “Ten už tradične 6. decembra príde rozsvietiť Mikuláš so svojimi pomocníkmi, ktorí deťom okrem sladkostí prinesú aj jedinečný mikulášsky darček, hudobno-zábavný koncert Paci Pac,” priblížila Nagyová.

Po trojročnej prestávke sa do centra Prešova vracajú aj oslavy nového roka. “Silvestrovský program otvoria prešovské kapely Akustika a Chiki liki tu-a, po nich prevezme silvestrovskú zábavu doslova do svojich rúk Bubnová šou Batida a ohňostrojom a novoročným príhovorom Prešov privíta rok 2023. Zábava v meste však ani po polnoci neskončí. O jej vygradovanie sa postará uznávaný DJ Dlugosh,” doplnila Nagyová.

Program vianočných trhov je zverejnený na webstránke PKO

Christmas Markets in Prešov Offer a Cultural Program and Refreshments

After a three-year break, the New Year’s celebrations are also returning to the center of Prešov.

A cultural program and refreshments are offered at the Christmas market, which started on Friday in Prešov. They are organized by the Park of Culture and Leisure (PKO) together with the city of Prešov and the Regional Tourism Organization Region Šariš. They will last until 22 December and after Christmas they will continue from 26 December to 6 January 2023. TASR was informed about this by the manager of culture of PKO Patrícia Nagyová.

“During these days, an interesting cultural program is prepared not only for Prešov residents, especially packed with performances by local artists, but also accompanying attractions such as a carved wooden crib, an avenue of Christmas trees decorated by primary school pupils, light installations in the park, and a fragrant gastro zone enriched with live folk music,” Nagyová said.

She added, there will also be a Christmas tree in the square near the cathedral. “Traditionally, on December 6, St. Nicholas and his helpers will come to light it up, and besides sweets, they will also bring a unique St. Nicholas gift to the children, a musical and entertainment concert by Paci Pac,” Nagyová said.

After a three-year break, the New Year celebrations are also returning to the center of Prešov. “The New Year’s Eve program will be opened by the Prešov bands Akustika and Chiki liki tu-a, after which the Batida drum show will literally take over the New Year’s Eve entertainment and Prešov will welcome the year 2023 with fireworks and a New Year’s speech. However, the fun in the city will not end even after midnight. The acclaimed DJ Dlugosh will take care of its build-up,” added Nagyová.

The program of the Christmas market is published on the PKO website