District 10 at 2022 Lake Erie Crushers’ Game

On the evening of Saturday, August 27, 2022, 64 members and guests from six Branches in District 10 met to watch a Minor League baseball matchup between the Lake Erie Crushers and the Washington Wild Things. Among the attendees were Executive Secretary and National President Elect Kenneth A. Arendt, and District 10 President Gregory Petrasek. The event kicked off with the opening of the ballpark at Mercy Health Care Stadium in Avon, OH, at 5:05 p.m. As part of the ballpark’s fan appreciation weekend, members received a Lake Erie Crushers’ transparent string backpack. Branch members from 1, 24, 228, 450, 553, and 855 then enjoyed an all-you-can-eat buffet at the stadium’s open-air picnic pavilion, followed by a winning game against the Wild Things.

A great evening of fun and fraternalism was had by all!

Submitted by Thomas Ivanec, Region 6 Director